Address Data

Address Data

Mailing Lists

Ageon can provide a variety of mailing lists to fit just about any need. The most common lists requested are for reaching residents at the Zip Code level. Ageon makes it convenient for our clients needing this type of list on a regular basis using one of our proprietary API interfaces. This process is easy and very affordable.

Resident Mailing Lists

Utilizing our proprietary U.S. address database, our clients are able to generate residential mailing lists within any desired Zip Code. Plus, they are able to further refine their selections based on criteria like single family, multi-family, or both. Utilizing Ageon’s advanced technology; our clients can easily suppress existing customer addresses, give priority to certain geographies within the Zip Code, all the while optimizing the final list selections to take advantage of postal discounts and be able to purchase these lists at very low cost.

Neighborhood Clusters™

Our proprietary technology enables you to select addresses you want to reach based on geographic certainty and demographic clusters. Neighborhood Clusters are the best way to be sure your advertising is reaching your best prospects. Our map interface offers an easy selection of the geography you want to reach and a choice of 10 preset demographic/lifestyle clusters.

Vacant Properties

Why would anyone want vacant addresses? If you work in real estate, you know the answer. These records can provide a prime source of opportunity. Search up the assessor records after identifying the vacant homes in your area for contact information on who is probably a very motivated seller. Flipping homes? This is the source you need.

New Movers

17% of the U.S. population moves their residence every year. These “movers” are in the market for new service providers and other needs. Where is the closest dentist, supermarket, dry cleaners, hardware store, hair salon? Where can I get my car repaired? Where can I buy furniture for my new home? Statistics show that new movers spend between $10,000 and $20,000 over and above their historical budget in the first 18 months at their new residence after moving. The lists Ageon provides include a name and new address for movers. These lists are compiled using numerous data sources including banking records, USPS NCOA and ECOA, utility change records and more.

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